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  • The Sonic HQ Interview! – Daniel Drazen and Sonique!

    Howdy folks! Dub here – it’s been a LONG TIME coming, a LONG TIME waiting, and a LONG TIME in getting it here – but I can assure you the waits are more than worth it! Today – for the month of December we present what I’ve promised you since the anniversary: The SHQ Interview with Daniel J. Drazen! And if thats not enough to appease you, we even got an interview with Alison “Sonique” Scharlemann – THE Sonique credited with Sonic Pandemonium, Perfect Chaos, the late Shadow Of Light, and now FUS: the online fight to get one of the fandom’s cartoons back on the air!

    I can guarantee that these are two of the biggest and neatest fan interviews we’ve ever done, so get to reading!

    Daniel J. Drazen – Would you believe he’s one of the oldest and most well respected Sonic The Hedgehog fans online? Have you ever wondered who that well spoken dude on the mailing lists is who consistently churns out reviews of the Archie Sonic Comics every month since..oh, Sonic #18? 🙂 Or have you heard of the infamous fanfic called Mobius Apocalypse? From Archie, to its writers, to Sega, to writing fanfiction, to practically everything else as well as tips for the young aspiring writer and whats new, take a peek and get to know Daniel J. Drazen – one of the cream of the crop among Sonic fans.

    Sonique – She can be one of the nicest people you meet if you talk to her, but cross her the wrong way and she wont hesitate to tell you what she thinks. ^__^ She’s vocal, she’s outspoken and she’s one of the most well known long-time webmasters in the Sonic fandom! Her name is Alison Scharlemann, but you all know her as the unique “Sonique”! From Sonic Pandemonium, to Shadow Of Light, to currently FUS, join us as we have a sit with tonights lady of the evening and discuss whats new since we last saw her! And Sonic Underground fans, bring your flame retardant sheets ready…Prepare for a liitle Pandemonium – Sonique Style! :O) (Note: ***There is some mild language left in to keep the interview in tact)

    Thats it for today! Read those and then check out our Poll Position below! And feel free to discuss anything you read there on the Station Square MB!